



No account?

Don't have an account? Click here to go to the "Create account" form.


Forgot username?

Have you forgotten your chosen account username? Enter the e-mail address it was created under and we'll send it over right away.

Forgot password?

Have you forgotten your password? Enter your username and e-mail address below and we will generate a reset key and send it to you.



Reset Key

If you have a reset key type it here. If you leave this blank a reset key will be sent to your email.

Verification mail?

Didn't receive the verification mail? Enter your e-mail address below and we will resend the mail.

FAQ - Account

Can't login

When I try to login I get a message "Username and/or password was incorrect.", and when I try to resend my password I get a message "Entered account information is invalid". What do I do?

In this case you will need assistance from Star Vault Support. Send in a ticket at the support section and include your full account information - username, full name, email, birthdate, adress, etc - including which payment method you used to purchase the account. If we can verify that you are the rightful owner of this account, we will assist you.

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